Monday, 22 January 2018

Academic scam

      A game for class and not for mass.              Try  yourself and be in a class. 
                 Stay with the system. 
A wonderful game played all over the globe where the side starting the game wins every time. The only criteria of this sport is the capacity of manipulating the situation in every possible way. If anyone is expert in adapt, adjust and accommodate he or she can play this game efficiently. Since it teaches the significance of unity or team spirit, it has huge popularity among those who want to use their nails and teeth in a sophisticated way. 

There's no need to stay in the arena or playground or wear any uniform or follow a fixed set of rules for playing, a player can easily stay behind the curtain and spend the whole life playing effectively. The name of the game is bit confusing, isn't it? Well, in order to keep a check on the society this game is played via educational system. Since the  syllabus is the only thing which gets mass support and the students have to follow under every situation in order to get a degree. If anyone goes through the history of human civilization, enough evidence will surface to prove the discussion.

Several techniques are applied by various agencies to suit their needs. For the convenience of the mass few examples will be placed through this post for a proper understanding of this game. For further discussion read the postsy:-
Is Hinduism a helter-skelter library, Veda Distortion and manipulation in the blog 
      Analysis of Inapt Education in hard copy is in the Amazon. 

Case 1 :- India is a multilingual nation where there is  a problem of labeling one language as a national language so English was adopted to maintain the unity and  few  languages were kept as official languages and by chance  Hindi got more votes so a part of the mass thought of making it as a national language but could not succeed and it remain as an official language with English as a partner. Now how did Hindi got more votes? 
Technically speaking Hindi isn't a mother tongue but a medium of bread - butter and it can be proved if people are asked to write the name of the local language which is actually spoken in their social circle. A huge linguistic difference will show its face and in order to oppose English a common pattern was adopted for communication known as 'khadi boli' and government schools were started in Hindi medium for the unpriveleged class or for them who weren't financially strong to meet the demands of the English medium schools.  The other states where the official language was different, education was based on that language.
It seems to be a common procedure so it was welcomed but yes now BUT comes in the picture.

The syllabus of higher studies of each and every stream  is in English, in several jobs a candidate must pass the interview which is only in English, a part of the mass went into doldrums. In the order to satisfy them spoken English institutions emerged which created new jobs for the so called educated class. Since there was none to supervise the quality, everyone was free to teach in their own way which resulted in versions of spoken English based on the pattern of speaking the particular language of a state. The  styles  like printed notes, ability to read few books, teaching via vernacular medium, memorizing the grammar like a parrot (a style commonly used  in the Sanskrit language), became common and the students remained more or less same as they were before starting the course. And when students who were bit awakened asked the instructor about the huge difference in the  speaking pattern when compared to US or UK, they were answered - 'you can speak English more nicely and clearly so why are you worried about copying the style which proves monkey's behavior.' It may be taken as a motivational dose on the ground that the hesitation in speaking with the foreigners will go away. Will it be taken as a parameter of the quality of spoken English? If yes, spoken English of which state will get the chair?  The examples of avoiding the rules of English grammar  is quite common and will it be allowed for the foreigners who can avoid any rule of the grammar of Indian languages while speaking ? 

Another thing which was noticed was children were  unable to write numbers (1-10) in the official language of their state though it may be their mother tongue. 

The pattern of uttering sibilants changed on a mass scale because the real mother tongue was different in those places where the medium of teaching was Hindi and the brain loves easy going in the case of communication. It also happened in the case of few other official languages due to the lack of proper education.  

Till now language issue is quite inflammable in India. When the names of metro stations in Bengaluru were written in Hindi there was a revolt like situation and the famous saints of Karnataka didn't say anything. They are taken as great scholars, enlightened having big ashrams and a regiment of followers. It is a known fact that most of them have stronghold over the society.

On the one hand the mushroom growth of spoken English institutions and on the other hand need of teachers in premier institute like IIT'S to take spoken English classes is pointing towards the hidden  game. Neither local languages are able to handle the course of higher education nor the English language is able to play its role nicely. After completing the higher education in English medium the work has to be addressed in the local language and the English remains for the use of paper work and that also provision of two languages is there for completing the forms. The future of all the Indian languages is not bright. The fear of Hindi being overpowering the future of local languages can be seen but what about English which has already started showing the impact of overpowering. The problem of identity crisis surfaces when government wants to promote Hindi as a national language which becomes null in the case of English. 
As an experiment when karnataka govt  introduced English medium schools in govt system of imparting education there was opposition and it was said kannada must be promoted though it was not done for all the public schools. The Maharashtra govt took the step to promote marathi language in the govt school which was supported by those who are not thinking the consequences of supporting local languages because the underprivileged class will face more problems in higher education which is in English. 

The government knows the weakness of the mass ie, it has only promoted English language from the back door. There's no harm in it because regionalism still governs the mind and the leaders know the technique of cashing this status.
The double game of the education department  can be followed easily if one sees the syllabus of English which has more stories than the books of other languages. This thing became prominent  after 1990 and the students couldn't understand the need of essays on leaders and players  being taught in the syllabus of the literature of their local language. Though the leaders participated in the freedom movement and the players brought the medals for the nation but they should be taught in the history class. If it was done to increase awareness than why they weren't given same place in the syllabus of the English language.

   This kind of devotion, dedication and determination towards English is resulting in brainwash and brain drain. The people see their future only in other nations. They don't bother about the fact that every nation has their own set of problems. When they can invest their skill in solving them why can't that be invested here to improve the system. It seems as if India is the headoffice of manufacturing skilled workers for other nations.

 Case 2 :- In 70's, in the order to increase the creativity of the school going kids a new idea was promoted by the board who controlled the private education system in India. It was said that it will keep them busy on the one hand and on the other hand it will create new jobs or at least increase the income of a part of the population.
A concept of preparing scrap books (for classes 3-4) and projects for classes seven onwards was introduced. In the scrap books students were asked to paste the pictures of famous personalities, places of tourist interest, flowers, animals, fruits, etc. Personally did this as a student of class 3 (1973) in kolkata. Afterwards on the advice of 'Iswarbhai Patel committee (July, 1977) a subject was introduced known as Socially Useful Productivity Work (SUPW) in the schools. Though in the paper it meant to bring out the hidden talent of the school going kids but it was promoted to satisfy the needs of another domain. The thing was present in the name of work education or ACM in which a student could choose anyone (art, craft and music). There used to be a separate teacher and a period for that. Grades were given which were not counted for scoring a division or responsible for fail - pass. Once a year there used to be a show where students used to prepare models or charts on various topics. It could be at the level of interschool competition or within the school among various sections of the same class. The society afforded this because private schools were already costly and the event was taken as a fun. If one wants to see this in the government school, it was absent.

   Slowly the situation changed and in the  case of projects students were asked to prepare different projects for subjects like literature, History, Geography, Music, Mathematics, Sanskrit and Science. The students were forced to draw or paste pictures - - - ->
Pictures of ten mathematicians and write about them, pictures of famous five female personalities of India with notes, pictures based on shlokas or verses of Sanskrit which are in the syllabus, pictures of stone age with notes in History, pictures and notes on solar system in Geography, pictures of musical instruments with notes in music, various classical dance, etc.

     This concept helped in the mass production of the papers, files, charts and the  things needed to decorate the files. The major players were unified and their lobby played the game with the help of the government. A section of the mass started a new venture of project guidance.

     In the field of higher education the students who are receiving grant via scholarship or in any other form were asked to submit a single project known as thesis based on the subject of their stream. Many students were carefull about their health so instead of wasting their time in searching and writing they started hiring someone to write for them. It helped those students who were in the need of extra money for their studies. The students who were only interested in political carrier started doing new things in the name of creativity or freedom of expression - - beef festival, Mahishasur day (praising the demon who was killed by Devi Durga), etc. They knew very well that any kind of action against them will be useless. The politicians sponsoring them controls the educational system and none will ask about their duties as a student. The grant received was invested in creating self-proclaimed leader. None thought that it is the money of the taxpayers. 

Case 3:- Since political parties need volunteers or cadres for their expansion so few institutes of higher education became the breeding ground to meet this  need. The students who were cautious about the career or they were also made cautious about it  got various facilities. If they completed their degrees (MPhil, PhD or any other which is needed) under that supervisor or guide who was an influential person in political arena, government job was guaranteed for them. By chance if any degree  was left to be completed and the particular student took the help of another guide, the chance of getting the job also went away.

Case 4:- The sector responsible for preparing the curriculum worked on the desire of the ruling party. Every party knows that for the purpose of brainwashing, the course of political science, history, literature must follow party guidelines. Since history was written by the ruling or winning side so cooked stories were added and the real position of the mass was more or less overlooked so  facts were manipulated to suit the needs of the rising force. The famous quote 'eat the cake' was wrongly interpreted to favor the revolutionary forces. In India, the Charvaka school of philosophy was taught as a supporter of hedonism and till 2011 its sutras were not decoded in an unbiased manner. In West Bengal, there was leftist govt for decades and the novels written by leftist writers were taught every year in the course of literature and  the  question papers of political science used to have more queries on marxism. And the capitalism was taught in a horrible manner which is quite common in socialistic pattern. On the other hand capitalism will teach the negative side of the socialism.

Case 5:-  The publishers of text books love to keep their books fat by adding unnecessary details which help in increasing the cost. It is also increased due to campaigning in which the authority responsible to select the books get commission and it has to be recovered from the pocket of the student because at the time of showing the book to the concerned authority, the price is usually less. In few places commission has to be paid to the subject teacher and the principal both or to the secretary also if there's tough competition from other publishers.

Case 6:- The Vedic literature was prepared in different periods and most of them are full of contradictions. The dirty game played by few scholars to prove some fake books as authentic is very well recorded and it started from 11th century onwards. The tradition of judging the authenticity by using given formulas was sidelined and the total focus was on the grammar which is quite flexible and reasoning or nyaya. It gave rise to illicit reasoning and helped various cults to promote their ideology.

Case 7:- Current history syllabus deals with a dose of hatred and shows the tendency of divide and rule by brainwashing the mind . The rulers came, ruled and went away. Their deeds were written by the sponsored historians who were the staff of the court and those who opposed them blindly were the staff of left wing. In the name of patriotism another group wanted to rewrite the history but their version may also be manipulated .
  Is there really any need to study this kind of history? Can't we teach the life sketch  of the saints or  scientists? When this point was raised in a seminar none supported this view without giving any solid reason. The saints of medieval era and before came to spread spiritualism  and remove the ignorance of the mind. Every part of the globe got a share of that team. The determination, dedication and devotion shown by the scientists while discovering can motivate a depressed mind.  
 In the name of teaching most of the students donot know the reason of naming a region of Himalayas as 'Garhwal' - the rulers from Rajasthan came here to hide from mughal invasion. 
       Even the cults developed during mughal period and afterwards played this game in one or the other way. Whoever got the opportunity of becoming friendly with the state or central government, promoted their version by the syllabus. And not only history, political science, sociology, psychology but management theories of western world was adopted in the syllabus of commerce. A book 'Analysis of Inapt Education' in Amazon is there for further details.

Case 8 - Classical Indian philosophy was intentionality divided in atheism and theism on the basis of the western concept of God whereas it has noting to do with Bhagvan and Ishwar a who have their own meaning. With this definition of nastik or atheist was taken as one who rejects veda as if it is a book whose support or rejection will decided anything. In the order to diminish the value of the 9 classical schools of Indian philosophy personal views were taken as darshanas. Sarva Darshan sangrah became favorite without thinking twice. This book describes many schools. Many of them came into existence in mughal era or took puranas as pramana.